Members of the Municipal Federation of Industry and commerce and the Federation of Industry and commerce of Dongbao District, the secretary of the “Two new” party organization visit the visit to Tien porcelain electronic guide

On the morning of June 13, 2023, members directly under the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and Dongbao District, secretary of the "two new" party organization and party workers visited Hubei Tianci Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. to guide work. Yu Daqing, Secretary of the Two...

Release time:2023-06-15 Number of views:97

District party secretary liu zhenjun and his party visited t

【摘要】6月6日上午,荆门市东宝区政银企活动对接嘉宾莅临公司调研,公司总经理资美勇、财务总监王军热情接待了来访嘉宾。 我司总经理资美勇、财务总监王军陪同荆门市东宝区政...

Release time:2019-06-06 Number of views:477

District party secretary liu zhenjun and his party visited t

【摘要】5月20日上午,区委书记刘振军率调研组莅临公司,就重点项目建设工作深入调研,公司董事长吴浩、总经理资美勇全程陪同。 我司董事长吴浩、总经理资美勇陪同刘书记一行参...

Release time:2019-05-21 Number of views:445

Company leaders visited academician li longtu in Beijing

摘要:2019年5月10日,公司董事长吴浩、总经理资美勇赴北京清华大学拜访我院院士工作站李龙土院士。 2019年5月10日,公司董事长吴浩、总经理资美勇赴北京清华大学拜访材料界学术泰...

Release time:2019-05-11 Number of views:420

Carry out fire emergency drill to improve emergency disposal capacity

为认真贯彻落实安全第一、预防为主的安全生产方针 , 提高公司员工扑救初期火灾、逃生自救能力,同时检验公司员工对火灾防控和应对突发事件的处置能力, 9 月 19 日,公司联合荆门...

Release time:2018-09-20 Number of views:415

Hubei tianporcelain electronic material academician workstat

市委常委、组织部部长王本举讲话 市委常委、组织部部长王本举为李龙土院士颁发聘书 市委常委、组织部部长王本举与出席授牌仪式的专家合影 市委常委、组织部部长王本举会见李龙...

Release time:2018-06-19 Number of views:425